Posts with tag: "Dragoncon"
Sunday, October 12, 2014
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This is my favorite Dragoncon 2014 photo. The Make-a-Wish foundation made it possible for 10 year old Dawn Garrigus, who has a life threatening illness, to meet Patrick Stewart backstage. He was about to speak to a packed room of 2000 people, but they sat down and he really focused on her; they talked for about 15 minutes. As things are winding down and she and her family are getting ready to go, Dawn unexpectedly throws him this huge hug, and you can see the happiness in both their faces. Bravo Sir Patrick!

This photo went viral; it's wonderful that what really interests people is this very real moment between two people. (In addition to the 3300+ likes and 1100+ shares on my facebook page it was run by Huffington Post, Entertainment Tonight, MSN, Yahoo and BuzzFeed among others.) 

Hats-off to Make-a-Wish for making this possible and for Patrick Stewart for being such a class act.